
  1. Day 33 - 40 

    August 23, 2014
    I’ve felt a lot of pressure the last few days about getting my blog done. Theres no way I can encapsulate all of the things that happen in one day let alone eight days. I’ll do my best to run through some of the key points, like where I have…

  2. Day 28 - 33

    August 16, 2014
    Fernie I’ve spent the last 6 days here in Fernie. Today I’ll be leaving heading into Alberta, into the prairies. I was holding onto the last bit of mountains that I could but its time to move on, theres a lot of ground to cover still. Although I’ve been on…

  3. Day 27

    August 14, 2014
    Day 27 - Cranbrook to Fernie I took my time getting out on the road, today was mostly downhill so I had some time to spare. For breakfast I went to Timmies, treated by the Solty’s, thanks! And before heading out I loaded up on Mcdonalds, again treated by the…

  4. Day 26

    August 12, 2014
    Day 26 - Creston to Cranbrook - 106km I slept so well and woke up feeling refreshed. Ryan made me some coffee and a lovely breakfast, oatmeal with banana, yogurt, maple syrup and huckleberries! I’ve never had huckleberries before, I dig them. After chatting a bit I packed my things…

  5. Day 25

    August 12, 2014
    Day 25 - Nelson to Creston - 124km Left Nelson, finally. Probably a harder thing to do than climbing some of the mountains I’ve encountered. No joke. After taking a week off of cycling getting back on the bike was a challenge, having a headwind all day doesn’t help either!…

  6. Days 18-24

    August 8, 2014
    Nelson Such a wonderful place to be in. In the past week spent here I’ve had an incredible time and met the most amazing people. I can’t go over everything thats happened here but I’ll definitely go over some of the key things. No chronological order. Nice to meet you…

  7. Day 17

    August 7, 2014
    Day 17 - Christina Lake to Nelson - 116km Thanks Steve for the breakfast and Coffee! Today will be broken up into two parts. Christina lake to Castlegar then Castlegar to Nelson. The first part would be the tougher of the two, a 1500 m climb in about 30km. Again…

  8. Day 16

    August 7, 2014
    Day 16 - Rock Creek to Christina Lake - 100km Lets just start off with I’m sorry for the delay! I’m in Nelson and having an absolute blast but I’ll get to that all later on. I hope you can enjoy catching up on my last week out here and…

  9. Day 15

    July 30, 2014
    Day 15 - Osoyoos to Rock Creek - 50km So now that you have seen the future I’m going to have to jump backwards in time to bring you up to speed. It’s tricky business but if you pay attention we can get through this together. After getting home from…

  10. Day 14

    July 30, 2014
    Day 14 - Still Hanging out in Osoyoos Waking up at Kevin and Gay’s home was wonderful. They made us coffee and breakfast before we shipped off. After grabbing a picture of Aaron and I fully loaded we hit the streets. I had a few things I needed to get…

  11. Day 13 

    July 28, 2014
    Day 13 - Hanging out in Osoyoos After waking up with a welt on my forehead from my headlamp I packed my gear and said goodbye to Willy. He offered for us to stay with him again that night but Aaron had been in contact with some people from Warm…

  12. Day 12

    July 28, 2014
    Day 12 - Hedley to Osoyoos 70km No puns. Waking up in the valley was such a treat, one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever camped in. I cooked some soup and tried to make some cheese balls with the last of my bread and aged cheddar, the soup…

  13. Day 11

    July 28, 2014
    Day 11 - Princeton to Hedley 45km A late start to an easy day. As a hundred crows circled around Aaron and me we wondered who had been murdered or was about to. They did this for what seemed like a century, the owner of the grounds didn’t believe me…

  14. Day 10

    July 25, 2014
    Day 10 - Manning Park Resort to Princeton - 70km Continuing from where I left off on yesterdays blog, I had the ice on my knee and was gearing up to leave. I headed to the lobby to get my Wifi fix, itching at the idea of getting it done…

  15. Day 8 & 9

    July 24, 2014
    Day 8 - Hanging in Manning Park After saying goodbye to the three musketeers it was time to start enjoying this beautiful place. I was excited to jump into the hot tub, sauna & steam room thats offered at the Manning Park Resort. My legs were definitely in need of…

  16. Day 7.

    July 23, 2014
    Day 7 - Hope to Manning - 65km What a day. I took my sweet time leaving, getting out of Helen’s place around noon. I was nervous because I had heard so much about this nasty adventure I was about to embark on. Unfortunately when you decide to do something…

  17. Day 4,5, and 6!

    July 21, 2014
    They are coming in three’s Day 3 - Stanley Park to Chilliwack, BC - 120km So it begins. I started my day off bright and early, 11am, I headed down to Stanley Park to dip my back wheel into the waters of the Pacific. It’s a good thing there was…

  18. Day 1,2 and 3!

    July 18, 2014
    The first entry! What an adventure up until now Day 1 My lovely mother dropped me off at the airport at 5am on July 15th. She asked me “Are you excited?” to which I groggily replied “I won’t be excited until I know I’m ready to go, when I get…

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